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Details   Prime 6,000 affinity


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Name Plat

min / max / avg

Full set 108 / 550 / 149 -
Systems 25 / 40 / 34 100
Relic Rarity
Lith V3 Relic Rare
VaultedMeso V3 Relic Rare
Chassis 59 / 80 / 65 100
Relic Rarity
Axi V5 Relic Rare
Neuroptics 4 / 15 / 9 45
Relic Rarity
Lith S6 Relic Uncommon
VaultedMeso C2 Relic Uncommon
VaultedMeso V4 Relic Uncommon
Neo N7 Relic Uncommon
Blueprint 3 / 30 / 9 15
Relic Rarity
Lith A2 Relic Uncommon
Lith N3 Relic Uncommon
VaultedMeso S3 Relic Uncommon
Meso S6 Relic Uncommon

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